Dispute Resolution

ICML Advisory is often consulted on managing business conflicts and provides pragmatic counselling in this regard. We can provide strategic advice and practical solutions to help our clients whenever they become involved in a dispute or have a potential dispute. We are also experienced in handling disputes or business disagreements on behalf of our clients.

Highlighted cases include:

  • Advised a leading energy company in Vietnam in dealing with an EPC contractor’s claim in relation to an offshore construction contract
  • Advised a Vietnam based company on a post-M&A dispute with the buyer side
  • Assisted a Vietnam-based company in dealing with its foreign counterparties’ claims arising out of a business co-operation arrangement  
  • Assisted a Vietnam-based company in dealing with the foreign liquidator of its foreign partner in an insolvency scenario  
  • Assisted a wholly foreign owned financial service firm in handling disputes with its executive employees    

Managing partner Hoang Anh Nguyen also sits as an arbitrator on panels appointed under Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC)’s Rules and has made several awards on EPC contracts and M&A disputes (including one VIAC administered-landmark cross-border EPC case).
Due to the sensitivity of these matters, and to protect our clients, we do not list here our track record, but we would be happy to discuss our experience with you.